
I read this blog post the other day that read: instead of asking have I worked enough to rest, start asking have I rested enough to do my most loving meaningful work. 

I spend a lot of time as a therapist encouraging people to rest and to create more ease in their life. Unfortunately we live in a society that promotes multitasking, by saying things like work hard play harder. We recognize individuals based on their productivity performance; meanwhile, not considering how their personal lives, physical or mental health have suffered as a result.  I really believe we have it all wrong. If our world promoted more rest and ease then we would all be able to perform more effectively and efficiently. We spend too much time as a society priding ourselves on our accomplishments and not looking at the things we need to do to take care of ourselves. 

This next week, this next month, this next year, I invite you to do what you need to create more rest and more ease in your life. Start by asking yourself where could I create more ease in my life? Or maybe even before you do something checking in with your body and asking yourself what do I notice that happens in my system when I even think about doing this activity? Do I create a sense of ease? Does it create a sense of rest? 

If it doesn’t then DON’T DO IT!!!! (YES, READ THAT AGAIN)

When you are resting or doing something that creates more ease, notice how it feels in your system, in your body. Start by asking yourself questions like what do I notice that’s happening in my body right now? Does this feel pleasant? What would make it feel more pleasant or more comfortable? 

Let us know what things you find that create more ease and more rest in your life. 


Navigating Spring Break: Tips for Parents
