At Recovery Inside Out, our main focus is you. Individual therapy is a one-on-one in-depth, private therapy session where we focus on you, your needs, what brought you here (ie: the things you want to work on) and provide you with the best plan of action to achieving a satisfying and fulfilled life. We specialize in treating concerns with substance use, the effects of substance use with loved ones, challenges involving recovery, depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues and parenting challenges.
Being diagnosed with a mental health problem is not a requirement to receive therapy. People seek therapy for all sorts of reasons--- stress, relationship issues, parenting challenges, life transitions, and lack of motivation to name a few. There is no shame in seeking mental help--- we believe you are COURAGEOUS for doing so--- self-care is always a winner in our book.
Your initial individual therapy session will last for 60 minutes and subsequent therapy sessions will be 50 minutes. During this time, your trained, licensed therapist will listen attentively to you and start the process of “getting to know you”, gather information about what sparked you to seek counseling and based on your answers, make notations on how we can be most effective in your treatment. The frequency of appointments will depend on your specific needs. Regular attendance is recommended for the fastest path to recovery. LEARN MORE
At Recovery Inside Out, we provide a soothing environment, so you will feel safe, acknowledged, supported and validated to share your innermost feelings and experiences with us. During your therapy session, you will be treated with respect, understanding, empathy, care and compassion. We will encourage you to work through issues at your own pace. We will guide you every step of the way. We will help you figure out the best next steps to creating a life worth living.
Unfortunately, many clients have seen countless therapists only to be met with utter disappointment, resulting in a universal mistrust of mental health professionals and a lack of faith in the overall therapeutic process. Therapy has left a “bad taste” in their mouth and we get it.
At Recovery Inside Out, you can feel confident that you’re receiving high-quality, specialized care, regardless of your age, gender, or race. Our team of professional licensed therapists are highly experienced and thoroughly trained in specialty fields such as substance use and therapy for young people. At Recovery Inside out, we strive to offer every client a place of understanding where no judgment is passed and provide them with life tools to help them build self-confidence, self-acceptance and, if applicable, achieving/maintaining sobriety.
At Recovery Inside Out, we specialize in the treatment of adolescents and young adults. Many of our clients are parents who are in your exact situation. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with panic, desperation and fear of what will happen if your child does not get the appropriate “therapeutic help” that’s needed, let us reassure you that we understand how you feel and we are here to help.
No matter what the young person is seeking counseling for, our therapists are very sensitive to the fact that they may not be entirely ready to be “open and honest” with us--- And that’s OK. We will meet the young person wherever they are in the process. Our therapists are highly sensitive to the needs of young people. It’s extremely important to us that we are able to cultivate trust and hope between the young person and therapist--- creating a solid connection is absolutely crucial to the success of the patient’s recovery. -
The process begins with one of our therapists meeting with the parents and/or caregivers for a 1.5-hour session. The goal during this session is to understand the family system, the dynamics between family members, the parent(s) and the young person from another’s perspective. It’s also an opportunity for your therapist to learn detailed information about past experiences and the motivations/reasons that prompted you to seek therapy. Our therapist will also discuss how we share information with your family and the expectation of the therapist in regards to treatment and communication.
The next session, is for the young person only, and lasts for 60 minutes. During this session, the goal is to understand the young person, their likes, their struggles, their experience in the family and most importantly, what they want to achieve from their therapeutic process. Our therapist will also discuss how we share information with the family and the role of the therapist in this process. Subsequent therapy sessions will be 50 minutes.HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF YOUNG PEOPLE’S LIFE CHALLENGES WE TREAT:
• Self-harm behavior
• Suicidal Ideation
• Substance use, abuse, addiction
• Disordered eating
• Social anxiety/ Anxiety/ PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
• Depression/ Mood Disorders
• Cultivating lasting relationships and interpersonal skills to maintain healthy relationships
• Building confidence, self-esteem, truly valuing self (changing negative thought patterns and beliefs)
• Creating a life worth living
• Impacts of trauma (whether in relationships, ability to live in the world, or thoughts with self)
• Recovery Support (related to support after leaving treatment or while in treatment)
• Changing Unhealthy patterns- in relationships or parenting
• Helping parents and loved ones (mothers, fathers, spouses, significant others) learn how to love someone with substance use, addiction, addictive behaviors and mental health concerns. -
Sometimes you may not know what you’re feeling and you’re finding it hard to identify your emotions. Maybe you just feel “stuck”--- Stuck in life, uninterested in activities you used to enjoy, lack of energy or you’re just feeling “blah”. At Recovery Inside Out, we provide sessions to help get you “UNSTUCK”. Whether your “STUCK FEELING” is due to poor decision-making, recreating unhealthy roles, re-occurring depression or anxiety or being stuck in old beliefs, we utilize a variety of therapeutic modalities and intuitive therapy methods to encourage and empower you to make the changes you want in your life.
Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed with STRESS--- the stress of a big geographic move, change in job, loss of job, loss of a loved one, divorce, relationship problems, etc. Maybe you already know what mental challenge(s) you’re dealing with such as DEPRESSION or ANXIETY and you’re looking for healthier ways in managing your mental health. Whatever the challenge you’re facing, we’ll help you figure out the root cause. You are not meant to suffer--- you deserve to live a joyful life and we’re here to help you get there.
Stress, depression and anxiety can manifest in your life in different ways and the “way it shows up” in your life is different for everyone. Stress can seriously affect your body and mind. Because stress and anxiety share many of the same characteristics, it can be hard to tell the difference between them. It’s important to know when it’s time to seek professional help. Our professional team of qualified, licensed therapists will guide you through the therapeutic process. We will carefully customize your treatment plan to maximize successful results in your recovery.
Have you ever tried to figure out a problem in your life and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to find a solution? Relate much? We get it and it’s not a “YOU” problem, it’s a thinking problem. It’s a common dilemma--- the good news is we have a solution to your “thinking problem”. Often, the answer may be staring you straight in the face, but you’re too “close” (to the situation) to it to see it. At Recovery Inside Out, we help give you a fresh perspective on the way you handle “life’s problems”.
Sometimes it’s not possible to sort through a tough problem on your own. Sometimes you need professional help--- and that’s OK. There is no shame in getting help. Seeking help is COURAGEOUS and HEALTHY. That’s why we’re here--- to help you find solutions to your problems.
FAMILY therapy
Families often develop their own specific “coping mechanisms” in response to dealing with each other and events relating to the family as a whole. The dynamics between each family member are different for each family because there are so many different variables that affect the family household. When any part of the family system is in trouble or not functioning in a healthy way, the whole system suffers. There are many factors in life that may cause the family to suffer including, death, divorce, moving, substance abuse, sibling conflict, parental conflict and any other life events that induce excessive stress or other strong emotions.
At Recovery Inside Out, our licensed therapists will work with each family member to create balance and peace within the family system. We specialize in assisting families who have been impacted by the young person’s substance use and/or mental health concerns. Our licensed therapists are highly skilled in working with families in regards to rebuilding trust and understanding how the family can continue and promote change for the young person who is suffering.
Family sessions typically last 60 minutes. The frequency of appointments will depend on your family’s need for counseling. To achieve the best results, it is important for all who are involved in the process to attend and participate in each session. LEARN MORE
At Recovery Inside Out, our goals for family therapy are to help rebuild trust and improve communication between the family members. We provide an emotionally safe, private environment during your sessions, so you will feel at ease sharing your feelings and experiences.
Some of the skills you will learn and topics discussed during family therapy are as follows:
• Setting clear goals that the family wants to accomplish
• Learn how to set healthy boundaries between you and your family members
• How to have accountability versus not playing the victim
• How to support the young person in recovery versus enabling them
• Identifying negative thought patterns and learning how to shift your intrusive mindset to a more encouraging, healthier way of thinking
• Rebuilding trust between family members
• How to create a safe, healthy family environment in order to improve emotional and mental stability
• Exercises to improve self-worth and self-love
• Identifying and discussing triggers, conflicts and issues within the family
• Recognizing negative behavior patterns and finding solutions to help the family relate to each other in a healthier, more positive way -
Anyone important to the family member’s recovery is welcome to attend the family therapy sessions. “Family members” who participate in the session are not limited to parents, siblings, spouses and extended family--- if you wish to have a close friend attend a family therapy session that is perfectly acceptable.
Change is not always easy--- for anyone. We will help you take those “action steps” to attain healthier family dynamics. Rebuilding takes time, but it is worth all the hard work and effort. Our therapists will customize a family therapy program that best fits your family’s needs.
We will guide you every step of the way